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On readymade

After a talk at the Hellenic American Union last night


My take on the conversation that though interesting it never had a litrosis

Readymade is not an abstract term. It is a specific name that Marcel Duchamp gave to a series of works that had beginning and END! He had predetermined the end of this production knowing himself that the work could not continue, otherwise the farse would seize to have power. Later on this work opened up many doors etc, introduced a new medium and liberties to artist and eventually developed to a three dimensional collage. Collage is not something that has less of a value but it is not a readymade. It is not more or less interesting than another work of art just because it uses found objects, it is just a different medium. Not even Marcel Duchamp could continue to make readymades, because the power of this work couldn’t have repeated once the statement was made. What happened to that statement, apart of the “liberation” that it brought to the techniques and ideas that came later on, is what happens to every revolution. It got drowned and arts way of drowning a revolution is absorbing it and creating a market around it.

The next revolution that we see and we will see hopefully in full development that challenged the commercial system is Open Source, where the fear of holding on to an idea gets demolished, and the power of the market gets frowned upon.

Three Lines

Thank you all for coming yesterday

The next and last performance will be tomorrow at EDO

Korai st. Center of Historic Memory

This work was created for project Greek Island that took place at Korai 4 Center for historical memory http://www.korai4.gr

The place that we were called to create upon was built as a shelter but used as by the Germans during WWII as detention cells for Greeks.  The place still holds the memories and hopes of the prisoners on the walls.

I created a gigantic piece of binoculars for the exhibitions with coarse mirrors on the interior stating the urgency and the need to look at the issue of neonazism that unfortunately seems to rise in our days.

Red Burns

the year before I graduated I started getting scared that I wont be able to find a job as an artist, so I went to the head of my department, the dearest most charming woman, Red Burns and asked her about getting an internship to a corporation.

Red looked at me and said

– YOU will never work for a corporation

I tried to state my buts and fears and she again stated to me

– YOU will never work for a corporation

I have manage to get by and never work for a corporation